Today OA is having a marathon. This means that there is a phone meeting every hour. Phone number is 712-432-5200. PIN number is 4285115#
Today in OA's Voices of Recovery: I was my compulsive overeating. I had lost my identity and all direction in my life. The insanity of trying to fill the emotional & spiritual void with food consumed me. I lost my health and my spiritual and emotional welling being and what little self esteem I had to this disease.
This was an eye opener for me. In 2007, I lost my job of 28 years because of the sale of our bank. I was in the process of an ugly divorce so I had to sell my house. I had to get away from my scary ex-husband so I moved 1000 miles away from my home. I didn't realize it at the time but I lost my identity along with my job and my home and because of the divorce I lost my pension too. I now look back at 2007 and the next few following years and see how I was eating non-stop. I gained 70 pounds. I am still struggling, every day. But I am not having food binges like I did back then. I still have a very long road to recovery and it has been very slow. I slip backwards often.
Today, I will commit to being abstinent.
On another subject.... here is my latest cross stitch project. It is the second time I am doing this pattern, tribal rooster. This one is on marbled sage aida and I am using DMC 51. It is for another chicken loving friend.
Peace, love and happiness...
You've had some things happen to you that would send anyone into a tailspin. Good to see you bouncing back. I know cross stitching helps me out. Your rooster looks great, love the colors.