Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday July 22 2016

Finally getting back to my blog.  I think I am starting to recover from the horrible month of June and losing our mother.  Things in June were such a madhouse.  Flying back and forth from DC to WI. But we got my mom's apartment cleaned out by June 30th.  

In June, my husband and I bought a home in WI too. We will be moving there at the end of August.  We both gave our bosses notice that August 26th will be our last days to work.  I just wish mom could have made it for me to move "back home".  I think we would have had some good times.

My husband has us almost totally packed already so we are living in a sea of boxes.  In some ways I dread unpacking them.  But in other ways I am looking forward to organizing and purging once we get there.  There is a facebook page for selling items in our new home town so I hope to make a little cash off my purged junk.  I will be excited to get my craft corner set up and organized too.

My husband and I also had our 8th wedding anniversary on July 12th.  This is the first year there has been so much going on that it slipped my mind.  That kind of made me sad. 

I haven't been doing so good about paying attention to my food issues.  Don't feel like I have been on any binges though. 

I haven't been stitching at all.  I was working on my Mason Jar Lineup about 2 months or so ago and I love the picture but I am hating the stitching of it.  So instead I have been reading like a maniac.  I am up to 44 books read this year.  I have them listed on this blog on a different page.  See above.

Monday, my replacement starts at work and I will start training her.  I am very worried that she won't be able to deal with my co-worker M the bigot.  I hope she can keep her opinions to herself for awhile.

It is so hot and humid here in DC but looking at the weather it seems a whole lot of the USA is in a heat wave. 

Here is a picture of our tiny house.  I think the garage is bigger than the house.  That is my husband and his brother standing there.

All in all, things are going good.

Friday, July 8, 2016

July 8, 2016

I didn't post in June because it was so awful,  I flew to Wisconsin to spend a week taking care of my mother who was gravely ill.  My sisters had taken the week and a half before I got there.  We stayed with her pretty much 24/7.  She would start to get better so the insurance company would say "okay, she has to leave the hospital". So then we would go to the nursing home/rehab facility.  A total of 7 ambulance rides.  Which did not help things.  I flew home and a few days later she passed away.  Then I flew back to do the funeral and start clearing her apartment out.  Then I went back to work.  then I flew back to help finish cleaning out her apartment by June 30th.

It was exhausting and heartbreaking and that is why I haven't been posting.  I am just so tired.