Day 3 from
I Let Go Of: Being trapped in my head, and having my mind never shut off. Dr. Richard Carlson calls this snowball thinking. I have a serious problem with that.
Pivot: It is safe and healthy for me to be quiet within. My constant mind chatter has served me well in the past; however, I am in a different place now. I am aware how this chatter has kept me distracted from what I truly wish to accomplish at any given time. My mind assists me in manifesting my dreams and desires. I put my attention on my intention to serve the highest good.
Affirmation: “I choose to focus on peace, calm and harmony.”
Action: Today, I will take twenty minutes to meditate, pray or visualize. I can trust that even if it feels like my mind is louder and louder, it truly is benefiting me to go within.
Personal Experience: I have a hard time meditating. I can pay attention to my breath … and then wonder if my package will be delivered today. I can feel the bubble of energy moving up through my feet … and question whether I turned the heat down before I left. I can sink into the stillness within … and remember that it’s time to get the dogs bathed this week. Welcome to the chatter in my mind. But what I do know is that it’s better than nothing. I do know that when I give myself space to stop analyzing, and thinking, and planning and figuring it all out – well then I just might actually get a spark that my brain never came up with in all of its warp speed, hyper-drive activity. And I do know that it doesn’t have to be meditation in a dark room, chanting Om. For me it can be journaling to empty my brain onto paper to get to the clarity beneath. It can be pulling weeds in the garden, cutting the grass, walking the dogs or singing in the shower. It’s all a part of creating the SPACE to let the Busy Bee Brain go away and the Divine Inspiration to drift in. It’s in those moments of insight that I see that taking the time to get quiet is all worth it!
Journal Questions: In what ways do you allow your “active brain” to shut off and your “inspired brain” to kick in? Sometimes when I am at work trying to find a solution.
Take some time to recall an occasion where a solution or an unexpected opportunity came to you when you did NOT try so hard to figure it out, but instead focused on the desired result and allowed the path to appear. When I would go to seminars most of my notes were on solutions or ideas that popped into my as the speakers were going over ways to use the software.
How could you incorporate meditation into your daily life? I could use my reading time on the subway. I could close my eyes when my husband is watching tv and use that time.
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