Friday, April 24, 2015


April Stitch From Stash update.

Month: April
Spent: $5.99 (on a piece of aida)
Earned: $15.00

I am calling this project done for April.  I only have a reading quote to stitch along the bottom and it will be done.  I will finish it this weekend.  My cousin is having a family reunion at her home over Memorial Day and this is her hostess gift for doing that.  I am soooo ready for a different project. In May, I think I will work on my Save The Stitches blackwork piece that I have been neglecting for over a month.

I haven't been blogging this year at all except for my SFS updates.  I stink as a blogger.  The only goal I have managed is not eating French fries.  Still not a big deal but it is the one thing I have successfully done so it is pretty important to me.

Hope your April was productive.


  1. That's a great gift for your cousin. Good job on sticking to the budget. Hope you have fun at your reunion. Take satisfaction in every little "win" every day. Meeting and maintaining a goal is hard work, so be proud of yourself.

  2. Hi dizzy
    Well done on your budget :)
    I all so only blog for sfs
    Wish you a nice weekend

  3. Love this piece. Ursula Michael is one of my favorite designers. Love the idea of adding a reading quote; what a nice gift.
