Thursday, October 18, 2018

My first jury duty 10/18/18

10/7/18  My husband and I life a quiet simple life.  So I am thinking that is why the two of us have so much trouble sleeping.  I was up most of the night.  Fell asleep around 5:30 this morning, so naturally I slept through getting up and going to worship service.

Saturday a local Llama farm had an open house.  It wasn't much and it was quite cold out (for October).  I enjoyed it though.  I got to pet the llamas and ask questions.  They make a strange whiny kind of sound.  Some had the most beautiful fur? coats? wool?  Whatever it is called they were pretty.

10/18/18 - 16 days of Jury duty before I actually had to serve on a jury.  Got to the court house at 7:35am and got out to my car last night and it was 7:35pm!!!  12 hour day for $40.00.  This was my first time.  It wasn't that bad but what a lot of time wasting.  Lawyers repeat themselves so much.

I was employed as the Asst VP of Operations at a bank for nearly 29 years before the bank was sold and most of us lost our jobs.  The people I worked with were like family.  We are having our 10th annual reunion tonight. Love seeing some of those people. Especially those that were in my department.


Finished Catherine Coulter's Paradox.  Finished J.A. Jance's Kiss of the Bees,this one is #2 in the Walker series.  Hope this ends the evil serial killer and they take on something else.  Finished Tami Hoag's Guilty Sin.  Did not see that ending coming.  Now reading David Balducci's The Fallen.


I have finished the stitching on my 3 year old sunflower.

I didn't do it exactly like the pattern but that is just "how I roll".   I don't know how to finish it off. I don't think I want it in a frame.  Finishing would probably be so much easier if I had a clue about sewing or any talent in this area.

I posted some X stitch books on the Facebook site "Cross Stitch Barter"  I wish someone wanted them.  I did have a barter with someone for my HAED pattern.  I got a couple of "fancy" flosses for it.  A good trade.

Hoping to Heal:

OA For Today:  Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit.
                             -Aristotle-      For today: Friendship, like the longest journey, starts with one step.

OA Food for Thought: Bad days - There are some days when we wake up in the morning knowing with a sixth sense that the day is going to be a hard one.  These are the days when it is difficult to get out of bed, when we would prefer not to face what awaits us. There is no way around these days; we must get through them the best way we can. Our most useful tool for coping is: abstinence.  Be determined not to escape into food. 

OA Voices of Recovery:  Once we become abstinent, the preoccupation with food diminishes and in many cases leaves us entirely. 

Peace and Love - Dianne

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Good Morning 10/3/18

I have jury duty from 10/1 to 11/1.  So far all cases have been settled through 10/8.  Which is a good thing since I only work part time and would prefer to earn a paycheck instead of sitting at the court house.

I finished Tami Hoag's Night Sins.  It left you hanging a bit at the end so I had to order the sequel, Guilty as Sin, from  Hope that one tells us who did it.

I am now reading Catherine Coulter's Paradox.  I love to read but this one is from the library and I only have today and tomorrow to finish it.  So much pressure!  πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰  I have read this whole series.  I love a series.


I pulled out an old project.  Maybe 3 years old.  It is going to go on my kitchen wall someday too.  I had to switch projects.  On my sunflowers and fiesta ware, I had to tear out a whole section of the checkered napkin.  I messed it up too bad.  Then I just got frustrated so I decided to put it down and finish this.  I should be able to finish this in October.  At least I am hoping to.
The colors are brighter in person.  I am not doing it 100% like the pattern.  I am not going to back stitch the flowers in that border.  I want to keep it "blurry".  I am just going to back stitch the sunflower so it pops out.  I am thinking I need to back stitch all around the blue so it stands out a bit more and also all around the border for definition.  

Need to go balance our checking account to see where we stand going forth into October.

Peace and Love,