Nothing new and exciting to report. My Stitch From Stash goals have not been perfect.
Spent: 6.99
Earned: 0.00
I just had to buy the Just Cross Stich Magazine. I wanted the peacock, the iris and the blackwork pattern by Liz Almond.
I did not stitch as much as I would have liked. I am working on
Let's Read by Ursula Michael. I thought I would love it and it would be a fun stitch. I am actually hating it. I thought I would be done with it by now but it isn't going very fast. I am doing it as a hostess gift for my cousin so I need to finish it. I know my self well enough to know I can't stop working on it or it will go in a drawer to be found 20 years from now. I think when I finish it I may turn my attention back to Save the Stitches. I finished block 4 which means I have a long way to go on it. I should work on it next.
I haven't been very good on my other goals. My Bible reading is behind schedule. I only have myself to blame. I am still doing good on not eating fried foods. Have not had a French fry or onion ring in 5 months. Granted that isn't a hard goal, I'm just happy to be sticking with a goal.
Went to the apartment building gym yesterday and road the bike for 15 minutes. Hope I can keep up with that.
Hope we all have a great April.